Friday, September 26, 2014

This about definition.

In terms of self-descriptive labels, I will go with the one that works best, something all-encompassing and one that leaves no room for debate. I am 100 % me! You could even call me Human if you like. Simplicity aside, I consist of many different components. For the purpose of this blog, these components include intellectual, gender and sexual identities. These three elements combine to form the person that is me. A word of warning: things may take on a decidedly feminine tone.
As always, I like to start with disclaimers, set some pre-conditions, before I launch into a description of my life and all that it involves. This pre-condition? I am not an expert in anything. I am not highly trained or extensively educated in much of anything…not gender, not psychology and certainly not sexuality. Now that you know I am completely unqualified to speak about anything, here it goes.

I call myself Antoinette Loren. My legal name, the one I was born with and the one I’ve lived with most of my life is something different. Friends and family know (and hopefully like) that ‘original’ person. This said, Antoinette is who I choose to be now. While I am not ‘her’ all the time, I am her often. Nearly two years ago, she became a regular facet of my life. God-willing, she will be my future.

Two years ago, I began regularly living my life in a ‘female-centric’ way. This means I now live in a way as to appear as or portray a female, but not to deceive the world into thinking I am one. To be clear, I am not female and am very careful to not define myself as such.

My lifestyle transition is 100% about adopting as many aspects of what I consider to be female as possible. But it does not make me female. Nor do these aspects make someone female. Everyone has their own definition as such. This manifestation is my definition. Needless to say, I wouldn’t call, nor would you, any aspect of my life masculine. Often, I describe my lifestyle stating, ‘as if I were a woman’. I am very careful to not say, ‘as a woman’.
Antoinette Loren merely lives in a way that emulates her idea of what it means to be an intelligent, mature, respectful and confident woman. She hopes also to portray feminine class.  Antoinette knows that these goals are achieved by more than just clothes, shoes, hair, jewelry and mannerisms. Granted, these aspects are super fun but they are merely coincidental and only part of her overall goal. The other elements to achieving this goal and much more character defining are honesty, respect, determination and reliability to name a few. This lifestyle and the way I portray myself (ME!) are my own definition and how I desire acceptance.

I hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts, ideas and experiences as me, Antoinette Loren.